What is an employment record book or work books?
Is an official personal document recording the employment status of its owner over time. The employer has a legal obligation to fill, sign, stamp this book when an employee is hired, promoted and fired from a company. EORs also have to fill it. There are no exceptions.
How do they look?
Sample from the Internet

In which countries they use work books
- Bulgaria
- Russia
- Ukraine
- Belarus
- ...
Incident sample
Proposed workflows
- FOR EMPLOYEES THAT LIVE IN THE SAME CITY OF PSP OFFICE: After termination, Payroll provider calls employee and books a date. Employee comes to PSP office and all documents are filled and signed
- After termination, Remote provides the address of PSP. Employees sends the book, PSP fills it and it is returned to Employee.
- Who covers the cost of sending? Remote or employee