<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7f34524d-9389-4bb8-b803-8796988dd464/Web_logo_(256__256px)_(2).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7f34524d-9389-4bb8-b803-8796988dd464/Web_logo_(256__256px)_(2).png" width="40px" /> What we love about this handbook section

🖤 *We absolutely love how Learnerbly detail their approach to career development, and it’s one that has gained a lot of attention in the people world. This doesn’t feel over complicated, and yet gives a great visual detail / representation to readers.

You can also find a more in-depth section on career which has been designed for People Leaders to read here in their PX handbook:* đź”— **Learnerbly's PX Handbook ** ****Check out their entire handbook for inspiration here: đź”—Learnerbly's full handbook


<aside> đź’ˇ Our Career Framework is designed to give you a transparent look at your performance & growth with Learnerbly


Career Framework (3).png

🤔 Where do I start?

âť“ What do IC and MG mean?

<aside> 🎨 IC - Individual Contributor

<aside> 🧭 MG - Manager

Missing info? No problem.