<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7f34524d-9389-4bb8-b803-8796988dd464/Web_logo_(256__256px)_(2).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7f34524d-9389-4bb8-b803-8796988dd464/Web_logo_(256__256px)_(2).png" width="40px" /> What we love about this handbook section

🖤 We love the nod to dress code by Learnerbly. This can be easily forgotten about in more remote settings with how the world works now, but it’s even more important to give people clarity over what dress code is, even if there’s isn’t one! This isn’t about creating lots of rules, but instead showing people and being explicit with the fact that there perhaps are no rules too.

****Check out their entire handbook for inspiration here: 🔗Learnerbly's full handbook


We have a Notion page for it, but we don't have one: it's not a riddle, it's our dress code policy.

We do not care what you wear unless it leads to your incarceration. If you want to wear socks and sandals, go for it. If you love that green Gucci coat as much as Jared Leto did, go for it.

👇 You're welcome