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Every person is unique, each with a careers worth of experience that we can’t wait to hear about. To help you make the best first impression, here’s a few things to consider before making an application to one of our roles.


🤔 Is there a role for me?

We hope that at some point in your career, you’ll consider joining us on our mission to transform workplace learning forever. If that time is now, first check out our careers page

Spark something - Learnerbly

👋🏽 Connect

📂 Job Openings

📥 How do I stand out from the crowd?

The million dollar question!

An application gives us a glimpse into your career to date and forms the basis of our decision making process when inviting you in for an interview.

Here’s some things we look out for when deciding on which applications to progress to interview.

<aside> 💡 This list isn’t exhaustive so feel free to get creative and go wild!


💜 Values

Learnerbly | Our Mission

🔼 Embedding our Values throughout your application is a great way to show us why they mean something to you.

🚀 Outcomes over output

resume advice / showcasing your best self

🔼 What impact did your work have? Were there any data or metrics to show that impact? What changed as a result?

📚 Learnings

How to Show Employers You're a Quick Learner - Glassdoor Career Guides

🔼 Our learning culture empowers us with the tools we need to grow. How have you grown and what impact has it had on your career?

🪴 Less is more

How Long Should a CV be in 2022 - Optimal CV Length

🔼 Got a long career history? Focus on your last 3-5 roles giving bitesized info on each focusing on Outcomes over output over responsibilities