We have a consistent framework of levels across our teams, which begins at the first roles in your career and reaches all the way to C-Suite. These might not (and in most cases, they will not) correspond with your title in your team. These levels are internal and named so we can consistently refer to where every team member sits across the whole of Whereby.

💡 You may want to use a slightly different title on your LinkedIn or business card, which we don't mind. Feel free to chat to your line manager first if you aren't sure what is appropriate.

The risk of working with levels is adopting an overly strict or bureaucratic stance, seeing our team members not as people, but as resources within a certain band of experience. It is important that we do not let levels define you or your career. Instead, we aim to use these levels as scaffolding which helps everyone in our team understand how our company works.

<aside> ☝️ Disclaimer: No one in our team fits perfectly into one 'box' and the descriptions below may not 100% reflect the way you feel about your role or performance. No framework, review structure, or progression plan is perfect. For this reason we welcome feedback and questions so we can improve. We hope you can understand and interrogate the intentions behind these ratings and descriptions as trying to provide a fair and consistent way to assess our team and help each other do the best work of our careers here at Whereby.


At a glance

<aside> 📌 The overviews below are generic and indicative only. There are exceptions to any framework or guidance, and from time to time, we may need to review roles and people in an individual way while we use the overview below as guidance and never rules.


Broad Level Overview and Expectations