<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7f34524d-9389-4bb8-b803-8796988dd464/Web_logo_(256__256px)_(2).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7f34524d-9389-4bb8-b803-8796988dd464/Web_logo_(256__256px)_(2).png" width="40px" /> What we love about this handbook section

🖤 We LOVE a good ReadMe at Open Org, and it’s a rare thing too (sadly!). So it was great to stumble across these pages at Posthog. Their team Readme’s go deeper than a headshot and a LinkedIn URL. Below is an example of their CEO’s which is awesome. But you can see fuller team profiles on their handbook. Great work Posthog!

****Check out their entire handbook for inspiration here: 🔗Posthog's full handbook



James Hawkins' README

Last updated: Feb 11, 2023


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I'm from Cambridge in the UK.

I started off as a bad professional cyclist, became a worse developer, bootstrapped an online marketing company, wound up as a VP Sales at an enterprise software company, then got into YC where PostHog was born.

I tend to work 9am to 5pm with an hour for lunch, then I have a gap to have dinner with my family, then 9pm to around 11pm ish.

Areas of responsibility