<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/c312c0d3-8c5d-480a-b520-165474085052/bee1081d-431d-4c45-b152-ca5da71f4ca4/Open_Org_(10).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/c312c0d3-8c5d-480a-b520-165474085052/bee1081d-431d-4c45-b152-ca5da71f4ca4/Open_Org_(10).png" width="40px" /> Welcome to The Open Culture Framework.

💡 We use this framework as a yearly diagnostic & assessment tool for our member orgs to help them understand current state of transparency across their company, but also as a roadmap to help them plot a course for future state.

You have a few options in front of you now with regards to how you utilise this framework…

1️⃣ Work towards your own contextual state of open on a self-serve basis Whilst we work closely with our members on this assessment, and the insights that follow, we know that membership isn’t an option for everyone. If thats the case for you, please take this, and use it on a self-serve basis to help you find ways to elevate clarity of documentation, communication and trust in your own org. What that looks like will look different for everyone but we hope this helps you make some small steps.

2️⃣ Become a Member of Open Org If you lean into transparency already, and want to take your employer brand & culture to the next level, why not join the growing collective of people leaders & companies building the most trusted companies in the world? You’ll unlock access to yearly health checks by us via this framework, quarterly consultation sessions and hands-on support plus access to an incredible community of people leaders & orgs who are all finding & forging new ways to build better companies.

👉 **Individual Membership** 👉 Company Membership

3️⃣ Work with Open Org as a hands-on partner to support some deeper change & transformation Even if you’re not a member of Open Org, we can work with you to guide you to whatever contextual level of ‘Open’ that works for you and your business. Whilst Open Org membership unlocks a lot of value for companies, sometimes more ad-hoc project & consulting support is a better fit. So if you’re trying to work out how you can elevate transparency, improve employer brand, or rebuild trust then we can help.

👉 Get in touch about hands on help & support


<aside> ℹ️ How to Read this framework

The Open Culture Framework is made up of 35 component areas which map to 6 pillars that have a real impact on both candidate & people experience;

👉 **Hiring, Career Development, Culture, Compensation, Diversity, Flexibility

When working with our member orgs on yearly assessments:** We have a points levelling system we apply to each component area, corresponding to the level of transparency you show in that area. Each will contain a relevant description to guide you on which applies to you, and where possible also public examples from other companies to help build clarity. However broadly speaking the levelling system is applied as follows:

0️⃣ Level 0 👉 No information is shared internally with employees or externally with applicants. 🎯 0pts

1️⃣ Level 1 👉 There is thorough internal documentation for employees, but nothing externally for applicants (See individual descriptors for examples of ‘thorough) 🎯 10pts

2️⃣ Level 2 👉 There is thorough internal documentation for employees, but also at least some high-level information for applicants (See individual descriptors for examples of ‘high-level’) 🎯 20pts

3️⃣ Level 3 👉 There is thorough internal & external documentation for both employees & applicants that closely mirrors across the two. 🎯 30pts

Across the 35 component areas there is a total possible score of 1050. For context, the current highest scoring Open Org is Switchee with 565.

switchee 1.png

switchee 2.png

Note: If you are using this on a self-serve basis outside of membership, you can ignore the points levelling system if you like and instead use this framework as a broader guide to understand what you can work on to raise the bar across your candidate & people experience.


If you want some help understanding how you can use this framework, book some time in to talk


Open Culture Framework

If you want some help understanding how you can use this framework, book some time in to talk
