Co-Created by the amazing members of the Open Org Community 🖤

🌱 Why We Built This

This handbook was built by members of the Open Org Community during our Q1-Q2 #BuildInPublic Hackathon (2024) and was inspired by the following community ask from our member slack community:

So, Managers in my company are first-time Managers: the good news is we have no turnover at the moment and people are apparently very happy (but managers don't know why: in italian we say "the luck of the beginner"). However, I am looking at some external trainings for them to be able to lead effectively and we are also considering to assign a coach. Besides, I would like to introduce some programs/best practices, a kind of "Managers Academy", that encompasses all the things a good people manager should know/do (also for Managers who will join the company in the future). – Fede

🙏 Special thanks to those who contributed:

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Alaina Lynch, Alicja Wilemajtis, Andrew Shortland, Ashley Spicer, Brendan Yorke, Cansu Kürklü, Carla Silvey, Christina Demetre, Claire Lowry-Hubball, Deb Haas, Ella Smith-Dunn, Federica Pizzolla, Hortensia Espíritu Fontes, Ilknur Tas Ergul, Ilze Walton, Jill Harrington, Kelli Herrick, Kelly Mahoney, Lynn Feldman, Maddi Dick, Maria Patiño Pérez, Michelle Davies, Mila, Mila Budeva, Najla Barance, Nertila Bardhi, Paulova Arteaga, Rachel Gordon, Reem M M Osman, Rija Akbar, Ryan Rogers, Sesame Baker, Shilpa Mudiganti, Stuti Mainali, Vanessa Henning


👪 Who is this for?

People Managers at startups who want to improve their people management skills and People & Culture Leaders who want to support their people manager community of practice.

🎯 Target outcomes

Provide startup people managers with:

🧙 Quest-lines…Where to start?!

Not sure where to start? We got you.