Overarching Process For Successful M&A

The below steps show how the Culture Compatibility Index fits within a recommended M&A process

  1. Clarity on what you want to achieve
    1. What value are you buying and what must you ensure you retain to keep that value?
  2. What is the Target Operating Model (TOM) for future?
    1. What the target cultural driver scores should be in the below assessment(s)
  3. Assessments
    1. People
    2. Premises
    3. Products
    4. Services
    5. Culture (this doc)
    6. Organisation Design
    7. Process
    8. Technology and Data Architecture
  4. Understand gap analysis between Company A and the target and Company B and the target
    1. Score each company’s distance from TOM
    2. Assess risk and level of intervention required
  5. Build Integration Roadmap


This assessment integrates cultural, strategic, operational, and behavioural dimensions into a single framework, providing a holistic view of 2 or more companies' compatibility so that chief people officers can design their post M&A culture integration roadmap(s), with eyes wide open*

Once each company completes the high level assessment you’ll get a weighted score that identifies potential risks and areas of alignment across the following sections:

  1. 📍 Business Strategy and Planning
  2. 🌱 Leadership and Management
  3. 💸 Financials
  4. 🎢 Marketing and Growth
  5. ⚙️ Operations and Product